Budget and Priorities Subcommittee Meeting

Galveston Bay Estuary Program Office 17041 El Camino Real, Suite 210, Houston, TX, United States

Membership is composed of the Chairs of the five standing Council subcommittees, the former Council Chairs, the present Council Chair and Vice Chair, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality representatives on the Council. The B&P subcommittee meets on an as needed basis. The subcommittee performs the following functions: Provide a […]

Natural Resource Uses Subcommittee Meeting

Galveston Bay Estuary Program Office 17041 El Camino Real, Suite 210, Houston, TX, United States

The purpose of the NRU subcommittee is to advise the Council and the Estuary Program staff on matters pertaining to habitat/living resource conservation and balanced human uses. The subcommittee performs the following functions: Provide a forum for information sharing and coordination of habitat/living resource conservation and balanced human uses activities. Facilitate and assure agency commitments […]

Public Participation and Education Subcommittee Meeting

Galveston Bay Estuary Program Office 17041 El Camino Real, Suite 210, Houston, TX, United States

The purpose of the PPE subcommittee is to advise the Council and the Estuary Program staff on matters pertaining to education and outreach. The subcommittee performs the following functions: Provide a forum for information sharing and coordination of bay-wide education and outreach activities. Facilitate and assure agency commitments to implement public participation and education actions […]

Monitoring and Research Subcommittee Meeting

Galveston Bay Estuary Program Office 17041 El Camino Real, Suite 210, Houston, TX, United States

The purpose of the M&R subcommittee is to advise the Council and the Estuary Program staff on matters pertaining to monitoring and research. The subcommittee performs the following functions: Establish final design specifications for the Galveston Bay’s Regional Monitoring Program. Oversee implementation of the program. Ensure comparability of monitoring efforts. Direct and approve future monitoring […]

Water and Sediment Quality Subcommittee Meeting

Galveston Bay Estuary Program Office 17041 El Camino Real, Suite 210, Houston, TX, United States

The purpose of the WSQ subcommittee is to advise the Council and the Estuary Program staff on matters pertaining to water and sediment quality. The subcommittee performs the following functions: Provide a forum for information sharing and coordination of bay-wide water and sediment quality activities. Facilitate and assure agency commitments to implement water and sediment […]