Calendar of Events
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Budget and Priorities Subcommittee Meeting
Budget and Priorities Subcommittee Meeting
Membership is composed of the Chairs of the five standing Council subcommittees, the former Council Chairs, the present Council Chair and Vice Chair, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality representatives on the Council. The B&P subcommittee meets on an as needed basis. The subcommittee performs the following functions: Provide a […]
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Galveston Bay Council Meeting
Galveston Bay Council Meeting
In accordance with The Galveston Bay Plan (The Plan), a coordinating body, The Galveston Bay Council (GBC) was created and appointed by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (now the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) in November 1995. The Galveston Bay Council continues the work of the Management Conference convened for The Plan’s creation. This Council is charged […]