If you have questions regarding the application and funding process, please contact the Galveston Bay Estuary Program at GBEP@tceq.texas.gov.


Funding for Fiscal 2026


The following projects were approved by the Galveston Bay Council for funding in Fiscal 2026 with Section 320 and state funds. 

Project Name

Performing Party

FY 26 Funding Amount

State of the Bay Symposium Moody Gardens $25,000.00
Regional Monitoring Database Houston Advanced Research Center $195,187.45
Assessment of Coastal Groundwater Quality and Dynamics in San Jacinto River Waste Pit Superfund Site Texas A&M University at Galveston $99,976.00
Evaluation of Green Infrastructure to Reduce Microplastic Pollution in Galveston Bay Houston-Galveston Area Council $121,472.85
Monitoring and Managing the Threatened Eastern Black Rail in the Galveston Bay Area Texas A&M University $15,847.00
FY 2025-2026 Conservation Assistance Program Galveston Bay Foundation $100,000.00
North Deer Island – Habitat Restoration and Enhancement (Phase 1) National Audubon Society $100,000.00
The 10th/11th Additions to the Coastal Heritage Preserve Texas Parks & Wildlife Department $100,000.00
From Scat to Conservation: Community-based Research of Galveston Bay’s Ghost Wolves Michigan Technological University $12,600.00
Texas Envirothon University of Houston-Clear Lake $90,972.00
City of Houston Nature Trails Master Plan Houston Parks and Recreation Department $90,000.00
Regional Coordination of River, Lakes, Bays ‘N Bayous Trash Bash® Houston-Galveston Area Council $10,000.00
Monitoring to Assess Long-term Restoration Success in Galveston Bay Wetlands Texas A&M University at Galveston $47,253.00
Developing Molecular Tools for Demographics and Distribution of Galveston Bay Estuary System Sea Turtles Texas A&M University at Galveston $99,826.00


Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Funding for Federal Fiscal 2025

The following projects were approved for funding by the Galveston Bay Council with BIL funds. 

Project Name

Performing Party FFY25 Funding Amount
Houston Parks Board Comprehensive Conservation Plan Houston Parks Board $150,000.00
Renovating Jones Park: Building Galveston’s First Climate-Ready Stormwater Park Vision Galveston $400,616.00
State of the Bay, 5th Edition Houston Advanced Research Center $359,184.00



How the Galveston Bay Estuary Program funds projects

Federal, state, and partner contributions are critical to the success of the GBEP. The Estuary Program is funded annually with EPA funds from Section 320 of the Clean Water Act, which is matched (1:1) with state funds from TCEQ. The partnership between TCEQ and EPA is important to the successful implementation of The Galveston Bay Plan since some plan actions fulfill the tenants of the Clean Water Act and Texas Water Code and support the missions of both agencies.

GBEP receives additional state funding, which is leveraged to match other federal grants.

GBEP provides technical support to its partners in developing and securing funding for a variety of project types and applies for external funding when applicable. Awards received include Coastal Impact Assistance Program, which was administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in partnership with the Texas General Land Office, and the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

GBEP Project Development Process

The Estuary Program project development and funding is unique in that the staff members work closely with stakeholders to take a project from concept to implementation. This process is one of the strengths of the Estuary Program as it has garnered diverse and vital partnerships and helped leverage resources from multiple entities and organizations.
The fiscal year for the State of Texas is September 1 through August 31. Throughout the year the Galveston Bay Council and its subcommittees meet to develop projects that are aligned with the Galveston Bay Plan.

Subcommittee Review and Selection

The Water and Sediment Quality (WSQ), Natural Resource Uses (NRU), Public Participation and Education (PPE), and Monitoring and Research (M&R) subcommittees meet quarterly during the year to discuss each group’s priority focus and determine what projects or issues need to be addressed. The subcommittees also work in concert with the Galveston Bay Council, the Budget and Priorities subcommittee (B&P), and Estuary Program staff to develop priority needs. The B&P subcommittee consists of the chairs of each of the subcommittees and the Council Chair and Vice Chair as well as former Council Chairs. This body also meets regularly to review and assess the needs of the program and the other subcommittees.

Starting in early summer, the committees meet to set priority needs that will help determine project planning for the upcoming fiscal year funding.

By early fall, each subcommittee meets to review project proposals based on the priorities set throughout the year. A project proposal submission form is made available for each subcommittee and the public at large. Projects are presented in the September subcommittee meetings.

After subcommittee members have reviewed the proposals, projects are selected either by consensus or ranking depending on the approved process in each subcommittee.

Once the projects are selected by each subcommittee, the projects are then reviewed by the B&P subcommittee. This body is tasked with providing a balanced fiscal year budget for the program that takes into consideration program needs, operating costs, and project funding.

Council Review and Work Plan

In October, the Council is presented the GBEP budget that includes the proposed projects. Once the Council has approved the projects and proposed GBEP budget, the Estuary Program, and TCEQ work to develop the fiscal year work plan for the EPA that lays out program operating costs, project funding, and program needs.